Wednesday, October 6, 2010

On Being Old--6 'D' Day

Today was ‘D’ Day. Mark and his band of merry warriors -- Ed, Mike Robert and Randy – descended on our home. Work began in earnest. Three of the guys started taping plastic on the doors leading from the kitchen, while Randy disconnected the electrical power to the double oven.

Before long our first floor looked like a set from “Dexter”. We felt as though we were breaking through a cocoon as we walked from one room to the another. Mark issued his instructions like a drill sergeant…remove this cabinet…put the refrigerator in the dining room… move the table to the liging room…and so on.

Our desk and cabinets were gone, the stove moved to the garage followed by the gas and electric range. Before long the cabinets on the far wall dropped out of sight leaving the red ceramic tiles like the decimated walls of some castle in Portugal.

After lunch the long cabinet housing Rosemary’s ironing board congregated with the mounting pile of wooden cabinetry in the garage. The linoleum was skinned of the floor. A peek into the kitchen showed the dismantled center island missing its butcher block top.

I took a computer break, but the rat-tat-tatting—like the opening marching scene from the old-time radio production of “Gangbusters”—stirred me to come downstairs. Ed, Mike and Robert on hands and knees pounded flush hundreds of staples that held the old flooring in place.

So the day ended as the men swept the floor clean and put away their tools. A way good-bye and the promise that they would return at 8:00 AM the next morning.

Wow! What a day. Rosemary and I were exhausted, and we only watched the work performed. Just think only fifty-nine more days to go.



1 comment:

  1. Yikes!!! I'm gonna miss Rosemary's ironing coming out of a cabinet in the wall. I always thought that was great! Is it or something like it going back?
    Can't wait to see the finished product - good luck!
