Saturday, August 15, 2009

On Getting Old -- 43

Saturday presented itself as a most busy day. Early in the afternoon our radio group, TWTD Players, performed a radio recreation at Addolorata Villa, a nursing home in Wheeling.

We performed an episode of Henry Aldrich. For you youngsters this show was about the adventures of a teenager. The opening was clearly recognized. Henry’s mother would call out: “Henrry, Henry Aldrich!” And Henry would yell back, “Coming, Mother.” In the old days we kids would gather around the radio when we heard that announcement.

Next we performed a show called “It Pays to be Ignorant”. This program concerned itself with the goings on of three panelists, one dumber than the other. In the picture are shown Harry McNaughton, Lulu McConnel, and Shelton Leonard. The program was hosted by Tom Howard. Audience participants would reach into a dunce hat and read the question, such as “In what season of the year do Autumn leaves fall?”

The panelists would take off into different directions. The show would be full of corny gags, jokes and puns.

Harry: Where do the leaves fall from?
Tom: From trees.
Shelton: What trees?
Tom: Any tree.
Harry: I don’t have any leaves on my shoe trees, Mr. Howard.
Lulu: What are shoe trees, Mr. Howard?
Tom: They’re something you put in shoes to keep them from losing their shape.
Lulu: You mean if I put them on I wouldn’t lose my shape?
Tom: You mean you really want to keep that shape?

They loved us at the nursing home. Of course it is one of the places were we would be considered the youngsters. Anyway, we gave them a little something to laugh and smile about.

After the show we adjourned to our friend’s house for our annual picnic. We discussed the performance along with anything else. The food was plentiful and delicious. Pulled pork sandwiches and roasted chicken. Homemade pork and beans and roasted potatoes accompanied the entrĂ©es. What a meal! All topped off with cake, cookies and brownies with ice cream,

Not much difficulty in locating today’s candy. We brought some joy to the lives of others; we filled our inner cravings f0r a touch of the spotlight; we spent a pleasant afternoon talking with friends and eating.

Seems a pattern is developing. So much of my daily candy involves food. Guess there’s nothing wrong with that.


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