Wednesday, May 27, 2009

On Getting Old -- 16

The day was a little overcast but the enthusiasm of the throngs of men, women, and children remained bright. Anticipation filled the air on the Main Street of our community. The parade approached. The Stars and Stripes led the way followed by the old timers – the veterans who fought in the wars. Another Memorial Day, another time to show our thanks for the brave men and women who helped make this day possible for us.

For me a parade is synonymous with excitement. But this parade has a special meaning. It represents the greatness of our nation. I’m proud to see those old-timers with their campaign pins stuck on their hats and vests. Unfortunately that group is a dwindling one. Some of the younger men and women do march but not as many. Hopefully in future years the young people will replace the older ones. These younger men and women deserve our accolades also.

Following the military personnel were the local politicians eager to get their names before us. Then came the vehicles, some older than the people leading the way. And a parade cannot be without the local high school bands. The bulk of the remaining stream consisted of the groups [boy scouts, girl scouts, librarians, the senior center, and on and on] who function in the community. Along the way clowns and people of all sorts toss candy to the crowds. The youngsters along the route scramble for the sweets as if they were nuggets of gold. Little did they know the children were a part of my "candy" for the day.

The parade terminated in front of city hall and the reviewing stand. After the last of the bodies marched by, the vets and politicians congregated in the grassy knoll in the center of town at the Memorial stele for the final service of the day.

My candy for the day filled me not only with happiness but with pride also. God bless this great nation of ours, the United States of America.


1 comment:

  1. In case you missed it, I posted M Day photos from the Loop on my blog. Nice post here, sir.
